We were the First to open in Town,
and we are still the first in service
Our Services
Insure your Baja home against fire, theft, earthquake, thunderstorms, floods, medical to your guests, glass coverage
Major Health Insurance
If you are a legal resident in Mexico you can purchase a Health Insurance policy, we have different plans.
Business Insurance
Protect your business such as restaurant, office, shop, hotel etc. With the appropriate coverage’s that your business needs
Household Utility Bill Administration
We can take care of your home administration bills such as electric, water, telephone, propane gas, property taxes.
Auto Insurance Baja
Insure your vehicle for full coverage or just liability in Mexico; we have special coverage’s for tourists that cross the border
Legal Services
If you have any type of car insurance, we offer an optional legal service, that provides the assistance of your own bilingual attorney.
Insure your Baja home against fire, theft, earthquake, thunderstorms, floods, medical to your guests, glass coverage, liability and more with 0% deductible plans. If you have cleaning personal we can cover them also. To provide you with a quote, we will need you to provide us a replacement value to rebuild your home, (building and contents) and construction type such as concrete, wood, brick, stucco etc.
We provide insurance packages perfect for your homeowners association needs Such as:
• Liability Insurance for your complex common areas: protect your association in case a visitor has an accident in your complex swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts, common pathways etc.
• Directors & Officers insurance for your board members: protect your associations board members in case there is a lawsuit filed against them while in functions with the association.
• Club House Insurance: protect your club house and association offices against fire, theft, rain etc.
Protect your business such as restaurant, office, shop, hotel etc. With the appropriate coverage’s that your business needs.
Insure your vehicle for full coverage or just liability in Mexico; we have special coverage’s for tourists that cross the border (multiple entries). Insure two cars or two driver’s license for the same price. (one at a time in Mexico)
If you are a fulltime resident in Mexico, you can purchase a special insurance policy designed for residents of Mexico that visit the US. (Cars with California US plates).
If you are a legal resident in Mexico (need to provide migration card) you can purchase a Health Insurance policy, we have different plans, including a binational plan where you can get coverage in all of Mexico and the US. Age acceptance limit is 74 years old
Protect your loved ones with a life insurance policy, in order to obtain it you need to provide proof of residency in Mexico. We have lifelong and term plans, retirement and education plans. Age acceptance limit 64 years old.
We can take care of your home administration bills such as electric, water, telephone, propane gas, property taxes, Federal Zone, Concession, house alarm, cleaning lady and bank trust bills, eliminating you the worries when your bills are due and saving time avoiding long lines, or if you are going to be away for a few months you can have peace of mind that all of your services are functioning correctly. (Service available for houses in Tijuana and Rosarito Beach) How It Works You open a utilities account with us, provide us with past bills so we can obtain your account information with each company, and we notify them that Bernie’s will take care of your bills, and the company will bill us directly or give us a duplicate of your original bill. Analyzing your consumption history with each service company, we will determine how much funds you will need to send us to take care of the bills. Provide us with an email address or a regular mailing address in the States and we will send you an account statement once a month or at your request. If our staff sees an unusual consumption in your bills like electric or water, we will notify you. We will keep all of your paid bills in file, so please every few months stop at the office to pick them up, and that way you also have peace of mind, that everything is paid accordingly.
In Case of Accident:If you have any type of car insurance, we offer an optional legal service, that provides the assistance of your own bilingual attorney in case you are involved in a car accident.Real Estate: Protect your investment and savings by having legal counseling when you are planning to purchase a property in Mexico, remember a bank trust it’s the legal instrument for a foreigner to obtain property. Or also review a lease contract if you are in the process of signing it.
Who we are
Bernie’s Insurance was founded here in Rosarito Beach, Baja Mexico in 1971 by Bernabé Hernández A., since his name was hard to pronounce by US visitors; he asked them to call him “Bernie”. He started the office alongside his wife and through the past years, Bernie’s Insurance has created a niche in the industry, while also providing a warm and professional service to all of our customers for the past years, not only on insurance matters, but also administrating your home utilities bills, legal consultation with our own attorney’s and many more. Bernie’s is a family ran business, so you can be assured that not only you will have professional agents working with you, but you will also become part of our family!
Contact Us
We are located at Rosarito Beach, Baja, Mexico
- Blvd Benito Juarez #25500 Local 10, Quinta del Mar, Playas de Rosarito, B.C. 22710
- +52 (661) 6121028
- +52 (661) 6130139
- +52 (661) 6130692
- info@berniesinsurance.com
For emergencies please call +52 (661) 6124170
We are open
Monday to Saturday
from 9am to 4pm