Fuimos los primeros en la ciudad y somos los primeros en calidad.
Nuestros Servicios
Asegura tu casa en Baja California contra incendio, robo, terremoto, tormentas, inundaciones, hospitalarios para invitados y con cobertura para ventanas.
Seguro Gastos Médicos Mayores
Si eres residente permanente puedes adquirir el seguro adecuado para ti, tenemos diferentes planes.
Seguro Negocios
Protege tu negocio, restaurante, oficina, tienda, hotel, etc con la cobertura apropiada para el mismo.
Administración de Propiedades
Nos hacemos cargo de la administración de tus servicios como luz, gas, teléfono, impuestos, entre otros.
Seguro de Auto
Protege tu vehículo con cobertura amplia o solo de gastos menores en México; tenemos coberturas especiales para turistas que cruzan la frontera.
Servicios Legales
Si tienes cualquier tipo de seguro de auto, te brindamos la opción de servicio legal bilingue de nuestro abogado.
Asegura tu casa en Baja contra incendio, robo, terremoto, tormentas, inundaciones, gastos médicos para tus visitantes, con cobertura de ventanas y mucho más planes 0% deducibles. Si tienes personal de mantenimiento también las podemos cubrir. Para brindarte una cifra, necesitamos que nos brindes el estimado del valor para reconstruir tu casa (incluyendo su contenido) y material de construcción.
We provide insurance packages perfect for your homeowners association needs Such as:
• Liability Insurance for your complex common areas: protect your association in case a visitor has an accident in your complex swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts, common pathways etc.
• Directors & Officers insurance for your board members: protect your associations board members in case there is a lawsuit filed against them while in functions with the association.
• Club House Insurance: protect your club house and association offices against fire, theft, rain etc.
Protect your business such as restaurant, office, shop, hotel etc. With the appropriate coverage’s that your business needs.
Insure your vehicle for full coverage or just liability in Mexico; we have special coverage’s for tourists that cross the border (multiple entries). Insure two cars or two driver’s license for the same price. (one at a time in Mexico)
If you are a fulltime resident in Mexico, you can purchase a special insurance policy designed for residents of Mexico that visit the US. (Cars with California US plates).
If you are a legal resident in Mexico (need to provide migration card) you can purchase a Health Insurance policy, we have different plans, including a binational plan where you can get coverage in all of Mexico and the US. Age acceptance limit is 74 years old
Protect your loved ones with a life insurance policy, in order to obtain it you need to provide proof of residency in Mexico. We have lifelong and term plans, retirement and education plans. Age acceptance limit 64 years old.
We can take care of your home administration bills such as electric, water, telephone, propane gas, property taxes, Federal Zone, Concession, house alarm, cleaning lady and bank trust bills, eliminating you the worries when your bills are due and saving time avoiding long lines, or if you are going to be away for a few months you can have peace of mind that all of your services are functioning correctly. (Service available for houses in Tijuana and Rosarito Beach) How It Works You open a utilities account with us, provide us with past bills so we can obtain your account information with each company, and we notify them that Bernie’s will take care of your bills, and the company will bill us directly or give us a duplicate of your original bill. Analyzing your consumption history with each service company, we will determine how much funds you will need to send us to take care of the bills. Provide us with an email address or a regular mailing address in the States and we will send you an account statement once a month or at your request. If our staff sees an unusual consumption in your bills like electric or water, we will notify you. We will keep all of your paid bills in file, so please every few months stop at the office to pick them up, and that way you also have peace of mind, that everything is paid accordingly.
In Case of Accident:If you have any type of car insurance, we offer an optional legal service, that provides the assistance of your own bilingual attorney in case you are involved in a car accident.Real Estate: Protect your investment and savings by having legal counseling when you are planning to purchase a property in Mexico, remember a bank trust it’s the legal instrument for a foreigner to obtain property. Or also review a lease contract if you are in the process of signing it.
Quiénes Somos
Bernie’s Insurance fue fundado aquí en Playas de Rosarito, Baja California en 1971 por Bernabe Hernández A. Ya que su nombre era difícil de pronunciar por los visitantes de Estados Unidos, el pedía que lo llamaran “Bernie”. Empezó el negocio alado de su esposa y durante el paso de los años a creado un nuevo nicho en la industria al proveer todo en un excelente servicio a nuestros clientes, no solo en servicios de seguros, sino también administrando sus propiedades, brindado asesoría legal con abogado propio y muchos más. Bernie’s es un negocio dirigido por familia, así que podrás estar seguro que no solo recibirás un trato profesional sino que también nos convertiremos en familia.
Estamos ubicados en Playas de Rosarito, Baja, Mexico
- Blvd Benito Juarez #25500 Local 10, Quinta del Mar, Playas de Rosarito, B.C. 22710
- +52 (661) 6121028
- +52 (661) 6130139
- +52 (661) 6130692
- info@berniesinsurance.com
En caso de emergencias (661) 6124170
Nuestros Horarios
Lunes a Sábado
de 9am a 4pm